by Scott Kelby
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Review & Description
Each year, Scott Kelby, Editor-in-Chief of Photoshop User magazine and the #1 best-selling Photoshop author, trains literally thousands of photographers on how to retouch portraits using Photoshop through his live seminars, online classes, DVDs, and standing-room only workshops at the Photoshop World Conference & Expo. Now you can learn the same techniques he uses in his own retouching workflow, in the only book of its kind�one written expressly for photographers who do their own retouching.
As a pro photographer himself, Scott understands that photographers make their living shooting, not retouching. But, delivering fully retouched images is now expected by clients. That�s why Scott put together this amazing resource for teaching photographers the quickest, easiest, and most effective ways to create professional-looking, retouched final images without spending hours grinding away at painstaking, detailed techniques.
It�s all here�the step-by-step methods for fixing, enhancing, and finishing your portraits in Photoshop. Using the techniques in this book, you�ll create images that will absolutely wow your clients. You�ll learn:
� How to soften skin and still retain detail and texture
� The best tricks for beautifully enhancing eyes, eyebrows, and eyelashes
� How to selectively sharpen portraits without complicated masking
� How to create gorgeous-looking lips
� How to remove blemishes fast and keep the most detail
� The pros� tricks for body sculpting
� How to make your subject�s hair look fabulous
� How to give your retouches that natural look that sets them apart
� Plus, you get Scott�s complete 5-minute, 15-minute, and 30-minute start-to-finish workflows
If you�re ready to learn the �tricks of the trade��the same ones that today�s leading pro photographers use to retouch, tuck, tighten, and tone their images for that pro-retouched look�you�re holding the book that will do exactly that. It will radically change the way you retouch your portraits from here on out, and give you the best-looking, most natural retouches you�ve ever done.
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